We insure the strangest of things

Billy-the-bullWe have insured some strange things over the years, and there are some ‘different’ policies available ‘just in case’.

For instance, let’s say you run a company and your staff run a lottery syndicate. What happens if they win big? Well I’m not sure how many would hang around after their notice period when the Italian villa and the Ferrari are beckoning.   Of course, if you were astute to be in the syndicate yourself then you might not be too worried, but what about your customers and clients?!

So yes, there is an insurance policy for businesses just in case their staff win the lottery.

What about twins, triplets and more? I’m not sure anyone waits until they can really afford kids, it’s more about getting on with it and working out the money afterwards! Well it would be even more interesting if you had 5! Worth looking at the policy that covers multiple births?

Our most interesting ones?

ElephantWell we’d have to go back many years to insuring a young lady’s main assets. A clue? She was a model and we insured both of them. We are currently trying to arrange cover for an . We were asked to arrange cover for an Elephant in a High Street, and we’ve insured some Messerschmitts for a number of years, but before your Grandad gets annoyed we should say they’re cars, not the planes.

Then of course, there are the ‘normal‘ policies that cover unusual events. Our most ‘famous’ claim resulted in our staff appearing on That’s Life with Esther Rantzen in a musical rendition of the Billy the Bull claim. Bryan is still a Director here, and has a copy if you want to see him in a straw hat singing with John Henshall …..It was John who told the BBC about one of our farmer clients who had to make a claim on his liability policy because Billy broke out to get to a herd of the neighbouring farm’s cows and had a field day. No-one remembers too many details now, but I’m guessing Billy was a little tired and we can’t find any record of what the cows thought, probably best.

So, the message is if you think it needs insuring, then why not ask us to find out for you?    Thatched roofs, classic Ford Cortinas, empty properties, or a hazardous business liability, all those slightly different things you care for we can probably help you with a little Peace of Mind that they are insured properly.

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